2013年3月25日 星期一

Phantom of the Opera歌聲魅影

Recently, I watched several high school productions of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera". It aroused my interest to read this popular novel.
The story has a very promising start. There were rumours about a ghost in the Paris Opera House. Someone said that the figure has no face. Someone said that it was a skull. Someone said the ghost was in the Box 5 during performance.  
On the other hand, there was a new young singer in the Opera. Her name was Christine Daae. Her beautiful voice attracted a young noble, Raoul. Actually Raoul knew Christine when they were still children. Now Raoul fell in love with Christine. However, he found that Christine had a mysterious relationship with Erik, the masked man in the Opera.
Erik took Christine to the house on the lake under the Opera House and forced her to marry him. Raoul was trapped in a room and was going to drown. Will Christine agree to marry Erik in order to save Raoul? 
Caston Leroux's "The Phantom of the Opera" (F LER) is a very exciting story. There are film and stage versions of the novel. The most famous stage version is Lloyd Webber's production. You will definitely love the beautiful songs in the musical. This novel is now available in the school library.


Caston Leroux的《歌聲魅影》(F LER)故事緊張刺激,多次改編為電影和舞台劇版本,其中最著名的應是Lloyd Webber製作的音樂劇,你一定會喜愛當中動聽的樂曲。這本小說現可於圖書館外借。

