2015年3月23日 星期一

Oh, boys!

Siti, Kelly, Lu , Donna and Rachel are good friends and they are really close. Siti simply call them her Sisters. But the situation is different when a boy moves in their building.

His name is Wayne and he's a real hunk. Rachel and Donna are mad about him. 

The Sisters always stay together. But now Rachel and Donna hate each other. 

Will the Sisters split up for a boy? 

Helen Orme's "Boys!"(F ORM) is a funny story. You can borrow it in the school library after holiday.

Siti, Kelly, Lu, Donna和Rachel親密是好友,關係十分密切。Siti甚至是姊妹團稱謂。不過,當一位男生搬進大廈,情況完全轉變。




Helen Orme的"Boys" (F ORM)是個有趣的故事,假期過後你可在圖書館借閱。

