2015年3月14日 星期六

Star Girl

Adeline is a student of SEAS (Space Education and Action School). She has to complete space missions on different planets in outer space. 

She has graduated from the first year cadet program.  Now she's in the second year captain's course. Missions are going to get harder.

Aziza is Adeline's new partner. Buts she seems not so friendly. They are sent to investigate the Planet Cavernellus. They are trapped in the caves under water and attacked by the flying aliens.

"Dark Secrets"(F PAR) comes from the "Star Girl" series. You can learn more about Adeline's exciting experience by reading this new book next week.

Adeline 是SEARS (Space Education and Action School)的學生。她要在外太空不同星球完成各項任務。



"Dark Secrets"(F PAR) 來自 "Star Girl" 系列,下星期借閱本書,你可以讀到更多Adeline的刺激歷險。

