2017年1月30日 星期一

Magic finger

Do you think hunting should be forbidden?

An eight-year-old little girl can’t stand hunting. But her neighbour, the Gregg family, like hunting much. One morning, she saw the Gregg family killed a deer. This made her so cross and she put her finger on them…

 Mr Gregg went hunting with his wife and sons again. After they shot several wild ducks, the Greggs found that the whole family were turned into birds!

“The Magic finger(F DAH)” is a famous short story written by Roald Dahl. Several schools listed this title in their booklist. What will happen when the Greggs moved into a nest? You can borrow this interesting story from school library.  



Mr Gregg帶著太太和兒子再去打獵,他們射擊了幾隻野鴨,接著他們一家人竟變成了小鳥!

“The Magic Finger”(F DAH)Roald Dhal撰寫的著名知篇故事。部分中學把它列為書單指定讀物。Gregg氏家庭怎樣築巢居住?你可以在圖書館借閱本書。

